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Report: US teens turn their back on Android, love iPhones more than ever

Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra vs Apple iPhone 11 2
Credit: Adam Molina / Android Authority
  • Apple’s iPhone is more popular than ever among US teenagers, according to a poll.
  • Just one in every 10 American teens uses an Android or an iPhone alternative phone.
  • It’s bad news for Android OEMs trying to attract future buyers.

Nearly nine in every 10 teenagers in the US use iPhones, according to a report by investment firm Piper Sandler (h/t iMore).

The data stems from a semi-annual survey conducted in the US, polling 7,000 teens across 47 states with an average age of just over 16. 88% of these teens say that they own an iPhone, while a further 90% of the teenagers believe an iPhone will be their next smartphone. Both figures are all-time highs, too.

Apple’s popularity among teens isn’t too surprising. According to an earlier report, one in every two phones sold in North America in 2020 was an iPhone. Per a survey in March, loyalty towards Apple products in the US has also hit an all-time high, while Android OEMs continued to drop. Overall, Apple just had a killer 2020.

Piper Sandler’s survey also highlighted Apple’s strong grip in other categories. Apple Pay is the top digital payment method among the polled teens, trumped only by physical cash.

Read more: Apple killed it this year, and Android needs a shot in the arm

With such dominance in the US, it seems unlikely that any Android OEM will break Apple’s smartphone dominance. Using an Android phone in a crowd of iPhone-toting friends also has its problems, green bubble discrimination included. This data is only applicable to the US, though. The likes of Samsung and Huawei still dominate in other areas of the globe. But it wouldn’t be a stretch to imagine Apple’s command continuing in its home region.

from Android Authority

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